Tuesday, 29 March 2011


The Catholic Church and the Presbyterian Church both have similarities and differences. These similarities will be compared and the differences will be contrasted. Historical origins of the denomination, theological understandings and core beliefs, and liturgy will be compared and contrasted.  

Both Catholics and Presbyterians have main reformers. Presbyterian reformers were Martin Luther and John Calvin, and the Catholic reformers were Peter the apostle and Constantine.
Presbyterianism traces its origins to the Protestant Reformation movement in the 16th century, whereas, the Catholics believe that the Catholic Church began in 33A.D, by Peter (the apostle). Peter was the first Pope of the Catholic Church; however, Presbyterian Churches do not have Popes.  
Catholics believe that the church began in 33A.D. Around the year 45A.D; Peter went to Rome and assumed control of the church. During his persecution, Peter was imprisoned and tormented. He was then executed by crucifixion. For the next 300 years, Rome began a serious persecution against the truth.  In 306, Constantine became sole emperor of Rome. He declared the state religion would be Christianity. 318 bishops came and established the Nicene Creed. In 606 A.D, Boniface III was given the title "universal bishop," the Pope of Rome. This marked the beginning of the Roman Catholic Church[1]. Catholics believe that Catholicism was established in God’s command to His apostle, Peter.
Presbyterianism history is different than Catholicism. Presbyterianism traces its origins to the Protestant Reformation movement in the 1500’s by Martin Luther. Luther wrote the 95 these in 1517, which were statements conflicting selling indulgences, which called for a full reform of the Christian Church. His writings were considered disrespectful, and Luther was charged with being a heretic. As the printing press came to Europe, it spread Luther’s ideas all across Europe. The church was then split into two religions: Catholic faith and Protestant faith. Martin Luther was the founder of the Protestants. The Protestants then split into different Protestant faiths[2]. After the church split, the people lacked respect for the Pope and the church, and this ended up in 100 years of religious war. The Council of Trent was then formed in 1545, which reformed the church[3]. Other reformers such as John Knox and John Calvin adapted to Luther’s ideas and works. John Calvin helped continue Luther’s religion and built upon it.
Martin Luther died of old age in 1546, whereas, Peter was executed by crucifixion.

Both Catholics and Presbyterians believe in the same God which is the creator of the universe. Baptism is very important to both Presbyterians and Catholics because it is believed that it brings individuals closer to God. Presbyterians and Catholics both conduct communion.
In the Catholic Church, for a child to be baptized is it essential that one parent is a catholic and both parents agree to nurture the faith life of the child. One God parent should also be catholic. However, in the Creek Road Presbyterian, the only way for a child (infant) to become baptized, is if the parents are seriously following God.
The Creek Road Presbyterian have two sacraments: communion and baptism. However, the Catholic Church have seven sacraments:  Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Marriage and Holy Orders. The Eucharist is the Holy Communion, which is the body and blood of Jesus Christ. When the Catholic Church (that was visited) conducted communion, the priest stood at the front of the church, and people lined up in front of the priest to get an oil liquid on their forehead. The Priest blessed them. Then the people walked off to the sides and drank from the cup which contained wine. Whereas, in the Presbyterian Church, a piece of bread and a small cup of grape juice was handed out to each person.
Presbyterians believe that God is the head of the church, whereas, Catholics believe the Pope is the head of the church.
Creek Road Presbyterian Church allows individuals to give offering (optional), whereas, the Catholic Church does not believe in giving money to God. Creek Road Presbyterian Church runs a children’s ministry, however, the Catholic Church does not.
Catholics core beliefs are God, man, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, salvation from sin and death, the seven sacraments, the sacrifice of the mass, the resurrection of the dead, and Satan and evil. However, Presbyterians core beliefs are the Westminster Confession of faith and Christ alone, Bible alone, and Faith alone.
Mary, the mother of Jesus, is very important to the Catholics because she is the mother of Jesus, and she was obedient to God[4]. Catholics worship Mary, as well as Jesus. However, Presbyterians say Mary should not be regarded as a mediator between man and God.  It is believed that Mary should be a model for Christians, and should be honoured as ‘God Bearer’[5].   
Presbyterians do not believe in purgatory, however, Catholics do. Purgatory is a place of torment after death[6].

Similarities in liturgy are that both churches worship God. They include music and body language.
Differences in liturgy are noticeable between the two churches. Creek Road Presbyterian Church is more informal than traditional Presbyterian Churches. For example, Creek Road Presbyterian worship is more charismatic compared to passive worship in a traditional Presbyterian Church. The Roman Catholic Church that was visited was formal and traditional in liturgy. The Catholics kneel down when worshiping God. Whereas, in the Creek Road Presbyterian Church, individuals clap hands, stand up, and raise their hands. At youth services, individuals jump and sing loud; whereas, the Catholic Church does not have a youth service. The Creek Road Presbyterian Church used modern instruments (piano, guitar, drums), however, the Catholic church had an organ and a piano which were not used during the visit. Creek Road Presbyterian music was quite loud and lively compared to the Catholic Church, whereas, the Catholic Church had soft music playing when the hymn was sung.

Both Catholic and Presbyterian historical origins impacted the development of the churches. The origins were traced back to one individual from each religion, Peter the apostle and Martin Luther. Both Catholics and Presbyterians believe in the same God, however, Mary, mother of Jesus, is more important to the Catholics. Both churches have sacraments, however, the Catholic Church are known to have more. Baptism is considered extremely important to both churches because it is believed it brings new life and a closer relationship to God. Traditionally, Catholics are formal in liturgy compared to the Presbyterians; however, the Presbyterians seem to be able to change as time progresses.

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